Related Skills

Below are a list of my qualifications and skills


I have over 3 years of experience working with HTML, or hyper-text markup language. This language is used for defining the parts of a webpage, such as headlines and body text. It tells the browser, “Hey, this is a section heading.” The current version is HTML5.


I have over 2 years of experience working with CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets.This langyage is for adding styles, such as colors, font type, and spacing. Combined, they are the building blocks of any website.


I have over a year of experience working with JS or JavaScript. This is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language used to make webpages interactive (e.g., having complex animations, clickable buttons, popup menus, etc.). There are also more advanced server side versions of JavaScript such as Node.js, which allow you to add more functionality to a website than downloading files


I have made use of BOOTSTRAP to create several of my front-end based projects. It is a free, open source HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for quickly building responsive websites.


As more diverse screen sizes became available, the concept of responsive web design (RWD) appeared, a set of practices that allows web pages to alter their layout and appearance to suit different screen widths, resolutions, etc. This is a concept that I base all my projects around so that I can maximize user comfort and experience.


React is a library for building user interfaces. React is not a framework, it's not even exclusive to the web. It's used with other libraries to render to certain environments. For instance, React Native can be used to build mobile applications. I have been learning React for the last 6 or so months and have achieved tremendous results.


Check out some of my projects to see what I am capable of!

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